ponedjeljak, 27. kolovoza 2012.

Known types of aliens who are in the earth:

Known types of aliens who are in the earth:
Zeta reptiles
There are many hazards associated with the placement of information related to UFOs. Until recently almost no level of protection was not available to persons who gave such information to the public. That it is not so, because of this, Cooper (he is, in fact, gave many data simultaneously to the various people and institutions - newspapers, legislators, and various influential people) certainly paid a price. To whom and why, and it is what attracts attention. Precisely because he is a media punching done so quickly and thoroughly, no one was more in the interest of a way to silence concerned Mr. Cooper, as it would then (in a situation where most of the "forbidden" material in the free float) just raised the credibility of the allegations made . In early 1990. The still existed various controversies in certain circles related to what position to take regarding the case of Cooper. Generally vague about threats or simple media to discredit. The campaign that was launched was standing about a million dollars, and the foundation was her discredit their ease basis, which lies at the heart of the financial motivation. Her practice was in many ways the show, or specify the opinion that Cooper took a bunch of data from various sources and all of them put together with a leitmotif of sorts, and as such are placed in the public. It was supposed to disclose "quackery" any deals with Mr. Cooper. Such a campaign should be carried out systematically through various UFO organizations (mostly under control), specialized journals, various articles, etc. All of this would be to reflect the many clues that would lead to the complete disbelief and confusion. Planned action was to end in late 1990. year. In all this, it is important to realize one thing and that is that these "circles of power" only real danger would seriously consider accepting and Cooper is mentioned only on a larger scale and in influential circles. Until the whole story is interesting rare enthusiasts, it does not represent a potential threat to the off screen games. Now, at the end of this affair, we have individuals who testify, despite the fear of assassination, individuals who are not afraid to bring more knowledge to them. Finally, too much of it is seen to be eternally anything. We are witnessing the beginning of the end of the "eternal" fog that enveloped the topic.

Classified KIND

The present number of alien species that have come into contact with our planet's nine provided that the number of seven species occurs in permanent contact, and five are influential species and species in various ways affect events on Earth. Contrary to the information that the U.S. government can give, not all aliens are friendly epistle Galactic Space Confederation.
Zeta Reticuli Grays - mali

This species comes from Zeta Reticulana, next stars of Bernard, which is adjacent to the constellation of Orion. They are very low (about 3.5-4 feet - approx. 120cm) sivkastosrebrni and have no reproductive organs as well as the digestive tract, and they are completely atrophied. Their entire species was created by cloning, which is performed for several thousand years. One feature of them is quite easy form face - big eyes, small mouth opening, while the nose is not there. Their eyes are almond shaped and black in color. As a result of evolution without the alteration of genetic material (through sex), sexual organs and the digestive tract are completely undeveloped, and the species is not able to feed us in the usual way, or engage in sexual activity. Noting that a close family relatives of insects. They are associated in some way with the cattle mutilation. Specifically, during the cloning process certain substances from the body parts of cattle stabilize and support the entire process. These substances are placed under the tongue and provide food and stabilize vital functions at certain times. They are found in certain mucous membranes - nose, genital, on the lips, in the rectum - and in some organs, and serve food instead. However, it is not the only way to "diet" of this sort. It can be observed that cattle mutilations often results in complete disappearance of blood from the animal's body. They in fact, in their databases have huge tanks that hold the organs in animals and humans, which float in the crimson fluid in which they simply "influence" and absorb nutrients through their skin. In the process of absorption and elimination using hydrogen peroxide. This compound also exhibits both liquid and organs that would spoil it. Since no digestive tract, excretion carried out through the skin. This process is in some ways reminiscent of secretion in plants. It is also used hydrogen peroxide as a stabilizing process. They are often designated by little green, because if you take on a greenish color not absorb enough nutrients. When in this state, they become evil. Cloning of this kind can be done fairly quickly, so that we produce synthetic copies. Their technology is much more advanced than ours, so for this reason with them reached agreements providing for the exchange of. This species is not alone in his master - gmazolikoj subject to the type of people who from their home planet. They seek freedom from their masters, but are also full of respect for them. Because of all the above, it seems to have the desire to work with people, which would be able to experience the freedom we have on our planet. In this effort they hope lead role on Earth, of course, in terms of management, or at least want to have enough power to provide the service to any other type. There are two types - one is similar to the Falcons, and the other pigeons. Last leaning more professionalism in relation with the human species, while others are more violent, tactless and crude Zetas need human help in future conflicts (followed over the next 20 years) with his masters. This announcement corresponds to the so-called asteroid (or Nibiru? Author note) which was on its way to Earth, and to be a colony, which numbers 30 million reptilian alien. The asteroid is currently turned trajectory toward the constellation Draco.

Belletrax Grey - low

Grey low (lower than previous varieties) from the star system to Orion, near the shoulder or character set in the system Belletrax. By outward appearances are dwarf - high only around 60 centimeters. Not so direct, but no less evil to the people of Zeta. Both of these types are genetically related and similar to each other, except for the height, of course.

Orion Gray - high

They are different types of grays. These devices feature a large nose and a height of 2.5 meters. Base them on the Aleutians, and has recently been seen in the eastern part of Russia. The hostile mood,
but less evil to people. Their concern is the impact of policy. In their possession were certain technologies that allow them to perform some action that later characterized as a "supernatural phenomena." In the Russian incident where a woman's leg was deformed, she was kidnapped by the species, and has put thousands of miles away from the scene of the kidnapping. After that her leg has been cured, or rather her second transplant. One gets the impression that the people are well-intentioned, but it is hiding behind the fact that these people are to be used as guinea pigs to conduct various experiments, mainly working on genetic engineering. They have grown arms and legs and other body parts in a kind of womb comprised of human tissue. The foot may grow out of the body, the hands from the middle of the abdomen, etc. All this is done by injecting of certain genomes into tissue and using electro-magnetic charge. So this is a species capable of "produce" human organs, and also to help injured or disabled people - or, for personal needs life support. Their interest is control of the masses of the Earth, which are in some way made some agreements already achieved in the negotiations.

Generally gray

All gray to some degree currently affect events on Earth. The main feature is that they have deeper feelings or compassion, empathy. They are very cold, calculated, and our species are seen as inferior. Nice to compare the relationship of them versus us like cattle to their livestock. Their understanding of the relationship between people has limits their observations, but without the involvement of emotions. These aliens are at the same stage of development at which the cannibals of our species. Their main vision of our species as subordinate. They feed on glandular secretions of humans, and are therefore able to kill or kidnap the human person, and in this way to reach these essential substances. Management of genes is one of the ways to see the survival of their species. In a way we are their saviors. Here we have at least the opportunity to have some impact on the aliens as an entity. It would not be the first time that civilization as a mode of rebellion chosen instead of direct conflict "accept" the enemy. Just remember the Tatars who attacked Russia, to make them the same in Russia within one hundred years involved in your social streams, and in this simple way, defeated, or protect yourself from certain ruin, into which it led a military conflict.


They are distant relatives of the human species. In the distant past of their species is genetically engineered human. At the higher level of spiritual development than most people on Earth. Similar to us and the only type of person that can be trusted to some extent, a feature of their blond hair and bright way. The friendly relations with the Intergalactic Space Confederation. This does not mean that we can not believe all the human-like aliens, especially as there are more governments that collaborate with the Grays, belonging to this species. Some Pleiadians are subordinate to the Grays, and are brought up as their servants. The last time they were denied contact with humans, which the government described as a cosmic law that prohibits an impact on the fate of the earth population unless it threatens to themselves or others in the galaxy. It is also open to the possibility of nuclear reactions if the alien threat to the Earth to be sufficiently dangerous. This fact gives also the possibility of a conflict between this species and Zeta grays which corresponds limited nuclear war on Earth. This kind of attitude towards humans is such that they believe that we alone should bear the consequences of cooperation with other aliens.

Draco Mothmen

In the constellation Draco there is this race of aliens who visited Earth in the past. They are up to 2.5 meters, the dark, and they can be seen at night in the vicinity of parks and cemeteries. You have red eyes that glow in the dark wings. They include, among others, the source of many myths that have emerged in the past, and even the vampires attributed various properties of this type (night life, the ability to fly). They have no special influence on the earth except here and there where they sowed panic seen. Staying mostly below the Earth's surface and are not interested in the other species.


They can also be classified as "kind of an underground alien" who inhabit the Earth. Terosi are unlike Derosa friendly and generally prevent the direct use of force, since DeRosa extremely aggressive. They live in underground tunnels, cities, and sometimes also in the seabed. Most of the legends connected with trolls and elves refers precisely to these two species. DeRosa are in a kind of competition compared with grays, but it absolutely does not mean that they can be trusted, since the characteristics are very similar.


Representatives from thirty alien entity centered around Intergalactic Space Federation. They are the U.S. government offers free, clean energy in exchange for the testing of nuclear power as the Americans refused and later established cooperation with their opponents space, entities that are opposed to the W56 team to turn the material versus the spiritual and exploit the human race, along with the Illuminati powers.

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