I was thinking of posting this discussion for days, but im finding it hard to start each time. Why? Well, to tell the truth i dont know much about business, they never taught me at school nor would i listen to them when i was younger. Now, times have changed, i have changed - least i like to think i grew up. In my experience ive seen that many people have same issues as i have - business and humanities never really got along, at least where i come from. Humanities experts were always responsible for education, they were poor teachers, eccentrics, artists. And businessmen were...well, businessmen - always dealing with money, with lots of money, enjoying all the benefits of material world. What about today? And what about the future? And what about combining those two - would that even be possible (outside the usual translator's positions)? Can someone with philosophy, history, literature degree be useful for your business, for any business? Would you even consider hiring someone with humanities degree, assuming they have at least some basic, informal knowledge about business in general? How could we, humanities graduates, fit into your vision of business development here in CEE? Very interesting question and posts here. You are the humanity expert. What does that mean? Can corporation use your expertise? What is it? I see that you are pursuing a PhD, while teaching. What do you tell your students? Are you a good role model for them? The fact that you are an educator does not mean you cannot be employed by companies, or start your own business. You need to focus on your niche. Why will companies or individuals hire you? And by humanities expert I ment any graduate or postgraduate in fields of art, history, anthropology, philosophy, literature, linguistics. My view is that people who research and write MA or PhD thesis should be considered experts in given field. But my question is can such person be useful in business without business diploma? Are skills which philosopher gain trough his education useful in, for example, PR or online marketing? Im seeing many MBA's working in PR and yet they lack basic verbal or literate skills, but they get the jobs just because they have a diploma in business, while some literature graduates would be much more fluent in speech and would be more competent in conducting the toricaly perfect speach on the given subject but they cant get the job because they dont have right diploma. I hope i was clearer now. I apologize if my english is bad.
And by humanities expert I ment any graduate or postgraduate in fields of art, history, anthropology, philosophy, literature, linguistics. My view is that people who research and write MA or PhD thesis should be considered experts in given field. But my question is can such person be useful in business without business diploma? Are skills which philosopher gain trough his education useful in, for example, PR or online marketing? Im seeing many MBA's working in PR and yet they lack basic verbal or literate skills, but they get the jobs just because they have a diploma in business, while some literature graduates would be much more fluent in speech and would be more competent in conducting rhetoricaly perfect speach on the given subject but they cant get the job because they dont have right diploma. I hope i was clearer now. I apologize if my english is bad. I studied political science in school. I used to think that business people were crooks and politicians were here to save the world. I have revised that thinking in the last few decades. I now think that anyone, in any job or any country can be crooked, and no-one seems to have saving the world as the first item on their task list, but I digress. Business from the outside may seem like nothing but money, but business is about people. Sure, accounting and finance are mostly about numbers, but sales, marketing, HR, negotiation and many others are about people. Even operations, legal and logistics - which seems like they are about “stuff” - are really about stuff being done by, to, with and for people. What businesses need to succeed is a long and complicated list. Smart people of any background can find their place - but to start where you did you may have to work towards finding it - it is not 100% obvious from the start. You probably won’t get hired if you position yourself as a history major, but get into business how you can, get a more tangible feel for what business is, and see what interests you. If you have a good grasp of people, and are smart enough to learn from what is around you, you can succeed. Our politicians are simply sick of the narrowing of perception. In their subconscious mind can be influenced by different techniques, even remotely, using the secret service and corporate researchers.Examples are seen everywhere. Constantly messaging, 'there is no salvation without privatization', 'should the EU that we are saved', speaks with whom we work. Claims made at a recent panel discussion on 'world government' that is intended to be stored in a box and send it by mail, by which members of the 'elite' who know 'the technology of the spirit' can convince people to do and what you do not want to, later provoked stormy debate the public. On this very interesting, but the media rarely-present topic, we spoke with Stjepan Tokic,washed therapist whose job involves knowledge about the mechanisms of the human subconscious, and even techniques to manipulate people. Everywhere, all the forces encourages uncertainty and fear, and everyone leans where she feels safest. It is sad but true that today most often seeks security in the shadow of money. Life is more down to hard training and money management, so finding and shortcuts. It is often forgotten that an important time for the trip, it is important that everyone you meet along the way and that the goal justifies the means. One can therefore say that the people management easier undermining the spirit of community and individual. Seizure and wear their vital forces excessive work, stressful environment, focusing attention on irrelevant things through entertainment, music, media, and run for empty values that people are constantly frustrated and empty.Forcing the quick passion, burning quickly, rashness, recklessness, intensifying the experience of his own sense of existence. So it becomes a normal hand, or belong to someone or something that offers the 'almost' an identity that I can not yield the inside.Description of the social success of today's popular, possession, superiority, ego status. This is directly contrary to the inner urge spiritually and psychologically healthy individual. Complete and vital natural person tends to live purposefully, contributing to the community and be beneficial to society. He wants to be proud of their contribution to the whole world, not a high status. A more detailed answer to the question: How does it work, is: it is one's intent. I wonder whether such a poor state of the economy and economic coincidence? As I see it, all we have now from the economic and the economic situation was one's intention. All that is, the intention of starting. In fact, it took a lot of energy and planning in order to create the current state of uncertainty and disappointment.'Butkovic scandalous attack is proof that is shaking upside down pyramid of power' Everything is vibration. Example tuning fork is a good example of vibration. If closer vibrating tuning fork, another fork vibrator from one to another is transmitted and the proximity. Thus, certain beliefs, thoughts, addiction, intentions, emotions, fears, anger, helplessness and uncertainty brought from the unconscious into the subconscious triggers certain individuals through the media, advertising, newspapers, and through fields of the collective unconscious. First create a belief in a particular group of people that are not smart enough, important, valuable, offering them ineffective solutions to the problems imposed, and then they are long enough to be treated as stupid, poor people, while they themselves do not believe in anything deserved his role, and moredid not respond to an underestimate. Imposed role as a communication bridge remains in use only when needed - when the role is to provide results. Generally, the strength of the intention of creating, not much is known publicly, but has long been used in the secret services, military, scientific, and political purposes. It seems to impose its opinion today became arrogance and arrogance, while the gutless bend before any onslaught of criticism called odmjerenošću and culture. In fact, we are trained to stop communicating with each other to produce solutions in any way. It is used at several levels. Music and film industry formed an awareness of the child from his earliest age. The child has no views, unprotected from impact and unfortunately, is formed to mimic the environment. What they perceived as interesting, it would later do, as long as he argued that it is harmful. Media and Government of the behavior of adults with lies, fear and uncertainty. Events causing collective insecurity and helplessness, the mass hypnosis. For example, government decisions about the war - although it does not want people - are intended to deepen the internal conflict in the individual and the impairment of self-awareness and integrity.Awareness has its own muscles. If you regularly use is becoming more alert and more accountable and more able to take tasks and find solutions to problems in the community. However, if the muscles are not used awareness, awareness is degraded, imprisoned in the past, the person sabotaging and undermining her own experience of value. At the level of media, this is a very subtle manipulation of the subconscious. Certain words or images are used as a subconscious 'anchors' to influence behavior. Sometimes these are just two words, and often connect certain terms and manipulating images. Admirable example of two words; Success the referendum.Although the law is adjusted in order to be legally vote to accept less than 50 percent of the population of Croatia, the two words are pronounced using the media that the public would not have been a result of dissatisfaction with the referendum. Before the referendum were systematically used words for which the voters, dissatisfied with the government decision about joining the EU, were degraded and insulted encouraged to abstain from the referendum, and therefore were resigned in advance and deliberately replied to the vote. These are the words: Eurosceptics, antieuropejci, Balkan squadrons, jugosentimenti, uninformed, desperate ... Because people have a natural need to belong, to reject what can not believe, and do not want to be degraded and erroneously declared, rejected the legitimacy of the referendum is non-appearance at the polling place. Many voters in ProE their fellows spread the fashionable EU campaign using the same phrases. Quoted the columnist from ProE media ridiculing those who were against the Croatian accession to the EU. The unconscious creature can be manipulated by whoever decides. One who lives his truth, his integrity, it is impossible to impose a false security from the outside, to seduce him with gifts and promises. I guess because many people do not got to a referendum. They recognized the strategy and intention of the Government when announcing the referendum. For those who clearly see the intent behind the external suggestion is an insult to hard to continue the conversation at the level at which politicians are pre-assigned role degraded. Examples of subconscious programming can be seen everywhere. Constantly messaging, 'You need us in order to save you', 'we need the EU that we are saved', 'no salvation without privatization', 'nothing can save us at all' or maybe just help us if the IMF '- speaks with whom we have job. There are entire dictionaries invented for political purposes the mass subconscious programming. These words suggest the illusion of mass or the forces of powerlessness in ignorance. Both are equally good for the elite. Dictionary used by the individual ejected from his own integrity in mind his idea of creating pressure, and inevitable, and suggests only one solution. Then impose a solution that was ordered by the will of the elite. At that anyway no one responds. As you turn, but the 100 new laws passed that. Neither one is not legitimate until it accepts the population. We, however, did not participate in these important decisions. Our write and pass laws and are happy because even though we are reproached for giving up communication with them. Glorify them as children in the sixth year, celebrate their authority, because they began to realize that they can meet their own needs. But kids in the ninth year. destroy all authority and idealized than those which are admired and applauded them for each skill, with contempt begin to demand truthful relation to reality. They are the highest falls in the lowest of their eyes. Of course, in the process of self-identity of the children suffer deeply because they feel lonely and disappointed. Their 'I' is still irrevocably to accommodate the reality of whatever that is. Why do we adults can not accept the painful reality and empower yourself by fulfilling your needs? Have nine children have more wisdom than a grown man? For example, why we, who maintain the system and why the state government and laws exist, not every day we held a referendum internet? Let people say what they think about a particular law - on every law, every day. Or at least a referendum which the government chooses to believe, composed of able citizens who are not eligible to anybody except the people. As he did Iceland. To what extent is it perfected, it can be presented as follows: there is a very professional way of controlling the mind developed by the German secret services, and psychologists, which are created by special agents - the people are programmed to do certain tasks and it is completely unconscious, after which they After many years at the mention of certain words. Such persons are programmed socialize with any person (programmer), and that does not even know they are programmed. They live a normal life until you hear a 'code' that challenges the flood of thoughts, feelings and intentions of the subconscious and the exact time specified it to any act or behavior. Such agents are used for terrorist and suicide operations, launching false revolution, set the political and scientific elite of secret projects. Something like the Norwegian Balvika.Exactly. It seems to impose its opinion today became arrogance and arrogance, while the gutless bend before any onslaught of criticism called culture. In fact, we are trained to stop communicating with each other to produce solutions in any way. Although I believe that it will be possible with the Croats. Such a program may be in German, because German words are conceptual images, focus the subconscious, while Croatian is not such a language. It allows one to combine words in experiencing different internal states in the phase formation of children's language skills and to contribute to later develop diverse ideas. Thus, the individuality of the future guaranteed. It is often used unconsciously. Although they note that something is missing in this, continue with the greed for each case. Promising, because lying ahead anyway and their competitors are doing. Their heart is 'hacked' love of status, power and money, and self-love and belonging to those above, over the people. Who benefits from the impoverished nation and obespravljenog man? Inability of man to earn a fair and buy your home? Who is the whole story, the most wealthy? Bankers. Who stands behind the bank? The Illuminati. How the Illuminati programmed their 'right and left' far down in the pyramid? By assigning special honor and improving quality of life for its employees. Unfortunately the programming of their subconscious. Our politicians are simply sick of the narrowing of perception. The subconscious mind of man can affect a variety of mind-programing techniques even at a distance.These techniques, and techniques to create real intention to carry out the politicians, soldiers, officers and managers of television, music and film stars and ordinary people, and used by the secret service and elite scientists and corporations, including course and the dose of personal greed and conceit . Mesic had only two percent support, and Rockefeller already knew that he was the new president! You must know that everyone is programmed to some extent, with all that is experienced in the first three years, until puberty. The process of raising awareness should be a lot of analysis and an excess of free time, which is not enough, and it is no accident. On a personal and collective subconscious level, the individual is easily manipulated because of the need for togetherness, belonging, honesty, most fear. Fear and discomfort are the basic tools for programming. Can be controlled and ignorance, distortion and concealment of facts. The resulting sense of disappointment and self-environment, lack of critical thinking, general dullness. TV commercials largely programmed collective unconscious. Studies have shown that it takes half a year after that period, showing advertisements, the subconscious program appears in the style: I have to buy this product. Everyone would be surprised to stop the flow of programmed thoughts and I decided to stay some time in nature, hearing only the voice of my soul about that it is really important and useful. Done that would not have had it back in the city. All he needs, he would find inside. What is distinctly richer inner creative power of the individual, it is harder to his imagination 'subordinate and squeezed' sticking with the subconscious and various other persons unknown in the direction of one's intentions. It is difficult to someone who could produce their own thoughts and feelings occupy external unnatural excretions. The weakest point of the character of the Croats was just too much self-criticism and a huge amount of worry and grief, and loss of detail, and the impossibility of understanding the broader picture. This is what I recognize in working with groups of 5-10 people, in the direction of personal growth and development. It takes a brave and respected him. The role of the victim was probably programmed by events in the history of constant wars in the region. If this role is aware and released, the other to generosity, honesty and benevolence towards everyone, and the ability to heal internal and external strife. This can happen in one day. Enough has already stepped into knowledge. It is not possible to manipulate one that recognizes manipulation and act constructively and comprehensively in their interests and the interests of their communities. The weakest point of the character of the Croats was just too much self-criticism and a huge amount of worry and grief, and loss of detail, and the impossibility of understanding the broader picture. It takes a brave and respected him. The role of the victim was probably programmed by events in the history of constant wars in the region. Can you analyze the behavior of Croatian politicians such as Zoran Milanovic and Sanader? Zoran Milanovic is hard to listen to or follow through the media, because his attitude plus the intent to insult the average viewer emotionally intelligent. What is his party seemed to eight years before he came to power? Why are not prepared? Its programmed roles in conflict with the purpose of his life, which means that he should not be on the political position of thinking only of themselves. Mr. Sanader, in turn, served as a media scandal, to draw public view with failure to sign the accession treaty to join the EU and privatization, which monitors and omissions. How else to explain the bloody media stigmatization just in time so the important decisions for the future of Croatia and the result of saturation and cut off the attention of the public over what is really important to be decisive at the same time? And this is the arrival of the new momentum of privatization, together with the new government. There are no coincidences in the mainstream media, so read between the lines. Why does our media more information on how the Island is regulated by their economic situation?Propaganda for the EU is served by an old recipe of 'thought control' and 'manufacturing consent' Interested wonder whether our politicians why he killed 72 members of alleged Polish government plane crash, and why none of them politicians from neighboring countries did not come to the funeral. All the inability ispričaval arrival of volcanic ash in the atmosphere, although some were only 400 kilometers away and were able to reach by car. One was still important to pay last respects. Bishop Mieczyslaw Cieslar, head of the Diocese of the Evangelical Church of Warsaw, died Sunday evening in Lodz while returning from the funeral in Cracow. One of the few who came to the funeral, he died, therefore, because of brake failure. The young man who shot the video that shows that the survivors were killed and their bodies fall after shooting three men in uniform, was stabbed twice and disconnected from the device at the hospital. But instead of these events, the media reported that a Polish member of the Russian Government apologizes to the public due to malicious theories of accident Polish statesman. Poland is the only country in Europe which had a growth in times of crisis. She wanted to help neighboring countries to emerge from recession.The only trick is not a fallen world with a vaccine against swine flu - it's amazing on a global scale and a huge thing. There is, moreover, their own attitudes about the violent destruction of the foundations of society by the imposition of homosexuality as the ultimate ideal ...Journalist Jane Burgermeister is investigating this situation just as the discovery of avian flu in Vienna, 7 tons of anti-viral vaccine against swine flu, which has filed a complaint with the FBI in the U.S. against the World Health Organization, the United Nations and several senior government and pharmaceutical officials, and Baxter AG, Baxter International and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology for the development, production, distribution and release of biological weapons of mass destruction in Austria between December 2008.and February 2009., with the intention of causing a global pandemic of avian flu, and the intention of profiting from the pandemic. " All her videos are gone, however, the Internet and its information.Pranoterapija, neuro-linguistic programming and Waldorf pedagogy and comprehensive relationship with a man raising my areas of interest. Organized individual and group work on personal growth and development support for individuals perceive limiting beliefs that they are no longer used them to bridge the new consciously chosen beliefs. Subconsciousness, consciousness and superconsciousness are extremely powerful tool for the execution and focus on desired goals, the self-healing by creating their own reality intent. I am interested in the way of life for which man and society should work out a healthy and complete. The system in which we live is increasingly positioned so that the vital force can not collect enough even for our internal purposes, the minimum. An important quantity and quality of prana (vital energy) in the body.Prana is stored in the nervous system of humans and requires its large stock to a man using his full potential and field awareness.Waking consciousness consumes so much energy, so the body uses for energy shortage 'autopilot' for everyday life. The body, namely, economizes the consumption of vitality, in order to survive their own pace. This further restricts us. It is best that the body can do for us anyway, because the nervous system can only collect prana in a state of deep relaxation and harmony with nature, and the lucky few who can afford it. Toxic Cities, toxic food, negativity of attitudes inside and outside forces make up the lack of vital energy. Provided that the man who freed the majority of them operate from the subconscious, which is obtained through the media, the school system of indoctrination, geneološkog heritage of the family - could do great things for themselves and their environment. Most people are 'asleep' living life as it does not have enough prana. We can say that this is a vital energy power plants, water, wind, animals, man. Everything that is alive has the force of vital energy. But Prana is not a physiological substance, but consciousness and a certain substance is found in virtue, the good and positive intentions for themselves and others. There are various versions of vital energy. We can say that the prana and spiritual nourishment. The most important thing is to say that it collects by adjusting the nervous system to a higher degree prijemčljivosti by staying in places where there are a lot of prana, forests, mountains, rivers, wildlife and drinking just picked fruits and vegetables. Prana has no kind of food we eat every day, buying it at the store. In fact, we spend, and their small resources of prana, to digest all that does not radiate its own vitality. There is no communication because the communication does not have any appreciation of integrity. When they talked with sincere respect and cooperation, to create your own prana. The universe wants to expand through our actions, but we are wrongly indoctrinated. The way my work is to transmit knowledge and information, and help shape the experience that a person needs for further development. This is a collection of techniques which combine with his experience. In a few weeks or months going through the programs in the form of workshops, where the intention clearly shape their development. Support groups and psycho-energetic exercises reprogram your subconscious, sabotage, and so remove your development and rapidly realize intentions. The power of the individual is a thousand times if you feel supported by others. Many are programmed to sabotage their own achievements and freedoms in different areas of life. However, through mutual trust and positive intentions, creates the experience of liberation thousandth person's inner potential and the incredible transformation happening in the lives of those present. As within, so without. Then it is quite clear that money is not important for security and status, but the environment, creativity, experience functional, acceptance, wisdom and love. Which produces a feeling of gratitude for each group achieved a step forward, a group of individuals make a strong positive energy field, a lot of prana, which is healing and helping those who are in it. Experience support and fellowship, the strongest potential transformers, each conditioned by life situations and positions, and limiting beliefs. I believe that in this direction should establish a system of state leadership - the functionality of the fellowship....http://www.google.com/webhp?hl=hr
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