nedjelja, 16. rujna 2012.


CRO SOLAR represents ideal solution and alternative to the expensive connections on the electrical network of the isolated facilities, house, weekend house, it gives complete working autonomy on the places where energy is not available from public power grid; it offers consumption and money savings on the places where connection to the public power grid is already being used.
  - Taking the clean energy from the sun and storing through automatic charging regulator, without the danger from batteries over charging.
-  It delivers both, direct and alternating current.
-  Autonomy time, maximal engaged power and charging speed can be constructed according to the needs.
-  The basic model gives the autonomy out of 4h at constant maximum load of 600W and recharging up to the capacities within 25h.
I was super solar energy, energy studying, reading books (in a good pair of NSK, with all analyzes, plans to invest in Croatia in our sun. Energy - SUNEN called the program, then the analysis of some sunny areas and towns in Croatia, theprofitability ....), I would one day have a home .... but it just is not worth still here. State is in the interest to finance something, which will invest in, and still time to lose. It hurts them, the thing you doing among the home and for ecology.Outside it has. Conscientious people. So, you make less em, em you have to have to pay. Nekaj ​​I had heard about the incentives for building energy-independent house .... I'm not sure what it is, but not that good. Over time we have. The same thing is true with biodiesel. Produce rapeseed, and export. Simply because the government takes taxes from what you buy, the biodiesel must make the same, and no refunds. But there will have to change things. The practice is widespread solar energy in remote locations, where it is more profitable to put a half square plate of a device (eg measuring temperature. Bridges, etc.) then drag a couple-hundred yards of cables. Is it worth it and where there is a break with the supply of electricity, which in principle is not the case here. It pays to sea, where sunlight is high, the cottages (Friend is incorporated, has a current from the collector) where you buy enough for TV, 2 lamps and that's it, and so an alternative application. Everything else is the makeup, and excessive environmental awareness. Still no lack of energy, so like everyone enjoy unlimited supply. For a few years, it will boom-nut, because we can not in the EU with this situation. The prescribed measures, and gradually, all by 2020. is to increase the percentage of energy from renewable sources. Then must reach 20%. 20% of electricity from sun, wind and water and other things. 20% of biodiesel in the fuel. The world is preparing for shortages.Wait with the team, if genius house, preparing her for it.Prices are falling steadily for all new incentives will be .... and perhaps the sun is over. First, do not know if you meant to use solar energy to heat water, so collectors or for producing electricity. energy. The investment in such things are worth an average of some 10-odd years (ookvirno naturally depends on the amount of water or energy that you spend). Install such a system is the best and cheapest plan when building a house, each subsequent installation is more expensive. Today it is a lot cheaper than a decade ago. Got a couple of teats that provide for standardized systems for water heating (I think this is a BUDERUS-in). Since you are from Zagreb would not know how you would work efficiency in the winter, at sea, it works quite well and zimi.Što to the production of electricity. energy, it is a little expensive, but the story as the panels produce direct current to be "adjusted" flows from the outlet (AC) voltage, that come and protective devices, switches ... There is info for the European and American markets. Prices range from 3-5 per watt for the panels, depending on the manufacturer. So, I guess you would have enough electricity for a 100W bulb, you should only spend on plates 300-500 € plus installation, inverter, charger, battery, etc. Conventional systems do not have a battery / batteries so you can just "add" power in the existing network while there is sunshine and time saving. It seems to me that the bass for us it still does not have the conditions in Germany and Switzerland there are government incentives for buying them because it is probably a bit expensive. There is a general opinion in public that solar energy is a clean energy that does not pollute the environmental speaking course that is incorrect ... Indeed, production, and in particular the disposal of used cell could become a serious environmental problem because of the chemicals that contain ... But the main problem with all renewable energy sources is that it still is not profitable and we can not control the conditions for such production of the energy (eg wind, we can not create clouds or flaring), and thus do not have any control over the production ... Because the accumulation of electricity is very inefficient, enegretski all systems functioning at a constant balancing between production and consumption of electricity and therefore the basis of a large power system consists of power where we can control the amount of produced energy (thermal and nuclear power), while other Systems producing countries (hydro power, renewables, etc.) include, if necessary ...But still the fact that nuclear energy is cleanest but quite unwarranted fear of public pressure and green, the share of a nuclear energy decreases ... The real thing made Frenchmen who were at the time built enough nukleraki so they can beat the steam when the energy deficit in Europe, for example, caused by drought or something similar ...

 Električna struja u plazmi.

U plazmi se formiraju električne niti. Sunčeva korona pokazuje da je toplota Sunca u njoj veća nego u jezgru.
3. LUČNI MODUS: Jačina električne struje u plazmi je ovde izuzetno jaka. Plazma emituje sjaj na širokom spektru, a struja teži ka formiranju strujnih vlakana. Primeri ovog načina rada su munje, Sunčeva fotosfera, kao i električni luk u mašini za varenje.
 Desno, Birkelandove struje stalno izbijaju sa Sunca.
U sva tri načina rada  plazme emituju merljivu elektromagnetnu radijaciju (radio frekventni šum).  U bilo koje vreme strujna gustina (Amper na kvadratni metar) postoji u plazmi i određuje koji je način rada u njoj operativan. Atomska struktura gasa koji postaje jonizivana forma plazme odlučujući je faktor za ovo. Plazma reaguje veoma jako u odnosu na elektromagnetne sile i dominantna je snaga u mnogim kosmičkim plazmama - na zvezdanim površinama, aktivnim galaktičkim jezgrima, aktivna je između planeta i između zvezda i među galaksijama. Tako su sve ove kosmičke tvorevine povezane – preko svojih plazmi odnosno struje koju sve one provode.I ljudski organizam je u ovom strujnom kolu u tačno određenom strujnom balansu. Svaka ćelija (svaki molekul) u našem organizmu zato vibrira, a poremećaj u vibracijama i njihovom odnosu je bolest. Jedan od pionira ove teorije, Kristijan Birkeland, tako je još 1903. primjetio da su aurore (polarna svetlost koju ponekad vidimo na Zemlji) deo električne razmjene između Zemlje i Sunca.  Birkeland je otkrio putanje električne struje koja se uvijala kao vadičep za flaše.  Nekad su ti izuvijani oblici vidljivi nekad nisu. To zavisi od jačine struje tj. gustine naelektrisanih čestica koje prenosi plazma. Danas se ti potoci jona i elektrona nazivaju Birkelandove struje.
Vjeruje sa da su mnoge drevne priče o misterioznim pojavama duhova i vila koje su prerasle u mitove primeri Birkelandovih struja u gornjim slojevima Zemljine atmosfere. Antička priča kaže da se i samom caru Konstantinu pre sedamnaest vjekova na nebu prikazao križ. Možemo samo nagađati da li je to bila izmišljotina ili strujna svijetleća formacija slučajno u obliku križa, takođe poznatog još starim Egipćanima (ank) koji su sa njime uspostaljali vezu sa nebesima. Danas je čitava Zemlja pod refleksijom veštačkog osvetljenja u hiljadama gradova širom sveta, pa se strujni efekti na noćnom nebu i ne vide golim okom. Ali, čitav dvadeseti vek robovao je tradicionalnoj dogmi u astronomiji koja je počivala na nekim već postavljenim i opšteprihvaćenim postulatima, koje je odobrila i katolička crkva, a nametala ih američka istraživanja na čelu sa NASA, pa su tako naučnici unapred usmereni da razmišljaju u određenom pravcu, uopšte ne uzimajući u obzir prostiranje električne struje kroz svemir.


Bliska približavanja planeta u ovim promenama mogu dovesti do stvaranja električnog luka između njih i njihovih satelita (mjeseca). Danas smo zahvaljujući moćnim teleskopima i satelitskim snimcima u stanju da vidimo strahovito velike brazde i kratere na Marsu, Mesecu, Jupiterovom satelitu Io, kao i Saturnovom Enceladusu. I Venera ima tragove električnog oblikovanja, a postoje i na Zemlji. Najveća brazda je Veliki Kanjon u SAD kao i veliki krater.

Dugo se vjerovalo da su čuveni Marsovi krateri i kanali posledica udara meteora odnosno erozije usljed otapanja ledenih kapa. Ranije se za ove kanale čak verovalo da su ih kopali Marsovci. Ali, teoretičari električnog svemira vide izbrazdanu površinu Marsa kao ožiljke od strujnih opekotina usled masivnih električnih pražnjenja.

Talbot i Tornhil pažljivo su analizirali fotografije Marsovog kanjona nazvanog Valles Marineris. Kamenje i krš koji su rasuti unaololo duž čitavog pejzaža Marsa su najverovatnije tragovi velikog mrvljenja iz ove velike iskopine. Veličina brazde je impozantna. Veliki Kanjon u Arizoni (SAD) bi bio samo mali djelić Marsove brazde.
  Veliki “meteorski” krater u Arizoni i Veliki Kanjon. Koja sila je mogla ovo da izbrazda? Električna struja je to sigurno mogla.
Inače, među naučnicima u SAD i dalje traje rasprava kakav je stvarno mogao biti proces koji je načinio Veliki kanjon u Arizoni. Na postoji evidencija gde je nestalo zemljište iz kanjona.  Ne postoji riječna delta. Rijeka Kolorado koja danas protiče kroz kanjon bi morala da teče uzvodno da bi ona bila kreator kanjona. Takođe, ne postoji dokaz da je negde pao meteorit, koji je formirao “meteorski krater” takođe u Arizoni. Jedan od razloga da se veruje da je krater iskopan električnim djelovanjem karakteristično uslojavanje razorenog materijala nakon ovog događaja. Rotirajući električni luk koji je izazvao krater delovao je upravo od površine prodirući kroz slojeve zemlje u dubini. Materijal različitih slojeva je rasut na širokom području. Čak i teoretičari meteorskog udara potvrđuju da su ove e naslage poređane redosledom suprotnim od redosleda u kom su bili u ležištu stijena. Zanimljivo je da se ignorira i postojanje više vijugavih brazda u najbližoj okolini kratera, za koje niko nije dao objašnjenje. Najupečatljiviji je , ipak, sasvim vidljivi fulgurit, trag koji ostaje u pijesku nakon udara groma. On se nalazi u “meteorskom” karteru, ali nikada nije spomenut u standardnoj literaturi o nastanku ovog kratera. Da li je onda najprihvatljivije  riješenje da je i ovaj kanjon sa kraterom nastao djelovanjem električnog luka?


Zemlja je naelektrizirano tijelo koje se kreće u plazmi. Mi živimo u balansu sa Zemljinim električnim poljem i zato to ne primjećujemo. Mnoge električne varnice koje Zemlja proizvodi prolaze neopaženo jer živimo sa njima tako dugo da mislimo da znamo sve o njihovom nastanku. A mnogi meteorološki fenomeni su vođeni električnom strujom i posljedica su stalnog prilagođavanja električnog polja koje okružuje Zemlju sa Sunčevim električnim poljem.
 Za samo nekoliko nedelja čitava planeta je bila obavijena peščanom olujom koja se nije smirivala sve do oktobra. Za naučnike je ostala prava misterija šta je vetrovima na Marsu davalo takvo ubrzanje da se kreću, kroz prostor koji je skoro kao  vakuum, brzinom od čak  400 kilometara na sat.
Vještački satelit “Global Surveyor” (navodno je bio u Marsovoj orbiti) pomoću termalnog emisijskoog spektrometra izmjerio je toplotne efekte koji su išli sa olujom. Tako je otkriveno da kada su oblaci prašine počeli da okružuju čitavu planetu, temperatura je skočila čak za 40 stepeni Celzijusovih. To se smatra “trenutnim globalnim otopljavanjem” i ovaj fenomen uveliko zbunjuje meteorologe.
 Predeo Helas Basena pre i za vreme oluje.

Talbot i Tornhil kažu da je ovde bio prisutan fenomen strujnog kretanja  između planeta.  Spomenuta oluja na Marsu 2001. dogodila se ne samo kada je Mars bio najbliži Suncu (naučnicima je već poznato da se tada događaju Marsove oluje) već je bio i najbliži Zemlji (svakih 12 godina). U to vreme njegova plazma je iritirana takozvanim “koricama” Zemljine plazme ili magnetosferom, koje su uspostavile privremenu električnu vezu između Zemlje i Marsa za prenos naelektrisanja. Čini se da je Mars tada reagovao izlivom atmosferskog pražnjenja pri čemu su električne struje iz Marsove jonosfere velikom brzinom podigle vjetar u gornjim slojevima Marsove atmosfere. Dakle, pokretačka sila za oluju na Marsu je išla iz svemira. Isto se događa i na Zemlji prilikom oluja, tvrde ovi teoretičari. Čist napon na Zemlji na nivou mora je oko 100 volti po metru. U standardnoj meteorologiji smatra se da je to  električna snaga oluje koja opterećuje jonosferu i dolazi do električnog pražnjenja (sevanja). Ali, u konceptu električnog svemira stvari su obrnute u smislu uzroka i posljedice. Da nema Zemljinog električnog polja, ne bi bilo oluje. Po toj analogiji, pošto na Marsu nema atmosfere da optereti jonosferu, ne bi ni moglo da bude oluje. Ali, je očigledno ima. Na Marsu električni efekti će se dostići direktno od jonosfere ka površini s tim što nema olakšanja u naponu u vidu formiranja oblaka i sijevanja koje vidimo na Zemlji. Dakle, sve vremenske nepogode, kao i klimatske promjene na Zemlji samo su posledica električnih promena u svemiru. I to je fenomen koji se javlja u određenim vremenskim periodima. Zato je danas tvrdnja o predstojećim klimatskim promjenama na Zemlji koje su, navodno,  posljedica industrijskog zagađivanja i prevelike ljudske populacije – najobičnija obmana. Istina je da će globalnog otopljavanja ili zaleđivanja biti, ali ono će biti isključivo posljedica strujnog delovanja na Zemljinu plazmu iz svemira. Očito je da današnja globalna oligarhija to zna i želi na svemu ovome da na neki način profitira, stavljajući pod svoju kontrolu razvitak industrije i tehnologije na čitavoj planeti, sve pod izgovorom zaštite planete od klimatskih promjena. Stvarna zaštita zapravo i ne postoji.
Zemljin izolator u jonosferi može i da “procuri” i tada do površine stižu munje i loptaste munje..Struja završava u zemlji kao kondenzatoru.

  Teslin toranj Vordenklif na Long Ajlendu.
“Tesla je već ranije proučavao stanje naelktriziranih čestica u čvrsto nabijenom vrtlogu jonosfere. Snaga koja se ispoljavala u blizini takve vrtložne eterične konstrukcije bila je ogromna, a eterska težina održavala je izvanrednu stabilnost.  U takvu konstrukciju postavljena kristalna rešetka stvorila bi električni napon. Sa izvesnim metalnim rešetkama unutar-atomsko polje energije, koje bi se tada stvaralo, bilo je neizmerno. Trebalo je energiju samo pokupiti”, zapiso je Geri Vasilatos u svojoj knjizi : "Tajne tehnologije hladnog rata - projekat Haarp i dalje".
I Tesla je to uspio. Svoja razmišljanja temeljio je upravo na saznanju da je električna energija svuda oko nas i što je shvatio jednostavno posmatrajući munje kako paraju kroz nebo. Odakle su dolazile? Nesumnjivo iz svemira. Hvatanje kosmičke električne energije i njeno praktično iskorišćavanje bio je njegov rad. Ali, želja za profitom tada (i danas ) vodećih kapitalista odvela je čitavo čovečanstvo na stranputicu učinivši nas zavisnim od prljavih energenata kao što su nafta i ugalj. Ostavljam vama čitaocima da zamislite kako bi danas izgledale gradske ulice, kakvi automobili bi se njima kretali, kakve bi letjelice bile u zraku i kakvi bi bili naši životi da je čitava nauka išla ka kroćenju nepresušne svemirske električne energije - potpuno besplatne i dovoljne za sve. Da li je to bio razlog da se ovi njegovi eksperimenti sabotiraju i otkrića zataškaju? Da li je to razlog da se i posle toliko godina i naučnih istraživanja svemira njegova električna priroda ignoriše? Pumpanjem elektriciteta u zemlju mogu se proizvesti i zemljotresi, kao i vulkani. Obe pojave prate ili im prethodi električni sjaj koji se manifestuje i atmosferskim smetnjama u radiofrekvencijama. Vulkani su često praćeni obilnim količinama svetla.


Teorija električnog svemira kaže i da se u preseku galaktičkih strujnih vlakana u prašnjavim djelovima plazme stvaraju zvijezde. Elektricitet se napaja zvijezde energijom u vidu sjaja koji ona ispušta, što se odnosi i na Sunce. Da zvijezde imaju vanjski izvor energije zaključuje se jer temperatura Sunca raste iznad fotosfere, da bi u koroni dostigla i 2 miliona stepeni. Dakle, energija Sunca ne dolazi iz njegovog jezgra kako se to do sada verovalo. “Moćna povratna sprega plazme održava ispuštanje vidljive solarne radijacije postojanom dok promene u snazi unete energije pokazuju poznate sunčeve pege”, objašnjavaju Talbot i Tornhil.

Sve zvezde poseduju i slabo električno polje izvan korone.
Kako se naelektrisane čestice solarnog  vetra udaljavaju od Sunca, one se ubrzavaju zbog Sunčevog električnog polja.

Veličina zvezde i njena boja su određene električno i mogu se iznenada promeniti. Nove i Supernove su ekplozivni odgovori zvezde na snagu električnih talasa u njihovom galaktičkom polju odnosno galaktičkoj plazmi.

Svaka planeta ima oko sebe i poseban omotač u plazmi nalik na korice i to je, takođe,  dobro poznat električni fenomen. Veličina i oblik su određeni razlikom između električnog potencijala (napona) planete i okolne Sunčeve plazme. “Korice planeta” imaju oblik suze koja na jednom kraju ima “rep” okrenut suprotno od Sunca. Granica “korica” je pomenuti “dupli sloj” i on odvaja plazmu planete od Sunčeve plazme. I “korice” planeta su interaktivne, posebno kada se planete nađu blizu jedna druge.

Planetne “korice” Venere su izuzetno dugačke, skoro da dodiruju Zemljine. Jupiterove “korice” imaju isti interaktivan odnos sa Saturnom.

Ovi planetni “repovi” su danas svi u tamnom modu, kao i “korice”. Ali, da li je uvek bilo tako? Postoje drevne zabeleške da su nekada ljudi gledali kako Venera ima “plamteći” rep i plamenu “uvijenu kosu”. Da li je tada plazma ove planete bila delom u sijajućem modusu ili se čak formirao strujni luk? U poznatom delu Imanuela Velikovskog “Sudar Svetova” iz 1950. opisuje se kako je bliski kontakt Venere i Zemlje proizveo veliku kataklizmu opisanu u Bibliji kao Veliki potop.

U slučaju da je došlo do sudara “repova” ove dve planete, što je savim moguće, posledice bi svakako bile kataklizmične za obe planete.

 Električna pražnjenja na Jupiteru i Saturnu snimljena Hablovim teleskopom su očigledna.

Najzad, teorija električnog svemira do sada najupačatljivije definiše pojavu kometa. Talbot i Tornhil ih vide kao negativno naelektrisana tela koja se kreću ekliptičnim orbitama kroz zaobljeno električno polje Sunca (najpozitivnije naelektrisan objekat u Sunčevom sistemu). Najvidljivije su komete koje najviše vremena provedu u spoljnjim regionima Sunčevog sistema gde dostižu jako negativno naelektrisanje. Kako jure prema Suncu, kreću se ka više pozitivno nelektrisanom okruženju pa  se nukleus komete još više elektriše i nastaje električno pražnjenje. Tako nastaje električni luk koji stvara mlaznice prašine i jona i mi vidimo (ako nam se ukaže prilika za života) blistavu glavu i rep komete.
 I jezgro komete ima kratere.

Teorija o tome da su komete samo “prljave ledene gromade” koje su se formirale od gasa u delekim zaleđenim prostoriam svemira, a onda kako se približavaju Suncu nešto leda ispari pa se od tog gasa formira svetleća glava sa izduženim repom, ima previše nedostataka. Najnovija saznanja o kometama upravo pobijaju navadeno. Najveće iznenađenje je počelo 1986. sa otkrićem negativno naelektrisanih jona u repu Halejeve komete, što znači da tu postoji  električna aktivnost. Ova kometa je blještala i dok je bila i u “dubokom zamrznutom” prostoru iza orbite Saturna.

Takođe, nema nikakvog dokaza o postojanju vode niti na jednoj kometi.

Danas se zna da su komete čvrste stene sa suvom površinom koja ima i kratere i ožiljke nastale verovatno delovanjem električnog luka.

Zbog jake naelektrisanosti kometa može pokupiti izvesnu količinu hidrogena sa Sunca, a koja može biti veća od mase kometinog jezgra. Zna se danas i da komete emituju X-zrake kao i da dostižu toplotu od čak 2 miliona stepeni Celzijusovih . S obzirom na erodiranost površine jezgra delovanjem elektičnog luka, one ne bi mogle opstati milijardama godina, koliko se ranije verovalo da su stare. Talbot i Tornhil tvrde da su mnoge komete stvorene u nekim katastrofičnim međuplanetarnim događanjima pre samo nekoliko hiljada godina.

Na najnovijim snimcima Saturnovih prstenova jasno se uočavaju tamni oblici poput zubaca munje. Upravo ta karaktersitika teoretičarima električnog svemira govori da je u pitanju delovanje električne struje. Drugi naučnici to tumače kao mikroskopska vlakna koja su posotala naelektrisna i tako lebde u ravni sa prstenovima. Zna se i da je u određenom segnemtu došlo do preplitanja i uvijanja prstenova. Ako su prstenovi uvijeni, nije li to znak formiranih Birkelandovih struja?

Characteristic of all so far set theory about the origin of the universe is that nothing is ever able to completely explain, let alone prove it. Each new study by artificial satellites and more powerful telescopes would always bring new information that did not fit into existing theories. Hubble teleksop, situated in the Earth's orbit and to date is the largest "land around" that is able to penetrate as far into the depths of the universal, its discoveries scientists around the world again just confusing. New "mysterious" and "unexplained phenomena" are always there to set a return of terror to the very beginning. Believe it or not, the vast knowledge of the universe that we believe we have as the most advanced civilization, it may be completely wrong. If you accept the painful truth that man never really went out of Earth's orbit, and it probably never will be able to do, as you may never even artificial spacecraft landed on Mars (which also exist skeptičara analysis), perhaps the theory the electric universe truly epochal breakthrough that will completely change our world that we are capturing part. The theory of electric universe is actually based on the processes that we are very close and very good shvatljii. There is no "mystery" and unfathomable human mind processes. The reason is more than simple: everything in the universe, and all the Switches on the earth, and created works on the same principle, the same scheme. The processes that have created all cosmic bodies, galaxies, stars, comets, Earth, Venus, Mars and the Sun ... are part of the same unique matrix in the universe. The same pattern was created and life on Earth as we know it. The electrical theory of the universe with an entirely different way of explaining the origin of the ruts and craters on planets such as Mars, the Moon or the Earth, climate change and meteorological phenomena in general, and it is much more logical and definition of comets, which were for thousands of years of "mystery." Electric universe theory most in promoting David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill in his books: "Lightning Gods" (Thunderbolts of the Gods) and "The Electric Universe". There is a popular book by David E. Scott's "Electric Sky". "From the smallest particle to the largest galactic formation, the electric circuit connects and unites nature, organizing galaxies, stars of the power supply, giving birth to planets and our world, climate controlled and driven biological organisms. There is an island in the electric universe, "wrote the Talbot and Torhil. So, forget about black holes, the Big Bang, dark matter and antimatter, red stars and white dwarfs, giants. All of these are theoretical fictions. The main force that creates everything in the universe is electricity. The basic hypothesis of this theory are: Everything in the universe is created by electricity; Country, as well as all the other planets, the electrified body, the Sun has an electric field, and it is interakcji with the other planets, the Sun is not powered by an internal " nuclear furnace "for outside electrical current flowing along the backwaters of the Milky Way, and even 99.9 percent of the universe is composed of plasma, almost perfectly conductive environment that shows strong electrical characteristics that astronomers and almost always ignored, the whole universe is full of charged particles. We live in a movable electric universe, and it is a reality that confirms almost every day "surprising" and "mysterious discovery. Recent discovery of the electric Ionic columns (large concentration of charged atomic gas in the ionosphere, which extends up to the universe), and who was recently detected over Ethiopia. A few years ago a similar phenomenon was discovered in the United States. That there was no disruption in the operation of GPS systems is the question of whether scientists should pay attention to this phenomenon. Probably not, as he did not notice it for a full hundred years, although it drew attention to the Norwegian scientist Christian Birkeland more 1903rd But functioning GPS is a powerful military strategists today is very important. Thus, the theory of the electric universe finally opened its way to the public.

The entire universe is plasma

Plasma is often considered a separate state of matter known to us the difference and close states such as solid, liquid and gas. However, if the atoms are even more warming up would lead to their splitting and separation of electrons and protons from the nucleus. Thus resulting charged ions and free electrons. Such a situation in which the free movement of positive and negative particles called a plasma, which is considered the fourth state of matter. In fact it is the first, fundamental state of matter. Electric force between differently charged ions are rows of magnitude stronger than any mechanical force, even one that produces gravity. Stripped electric power is 39 order of magnitude (a thousand billion billion billion billion) times the gravity of this year. Plasma permeates the entire universe and it is our Milky Way galaxy and the solar system. Cloud of particles that creates the solar wind plasma. Our entire Milky Way is composed primarily of plasma. In fact 99% of the entire universe is plasma, according to Talbot and Thornhill. Feel free to charge plasma seems very conductive to electrical current, which generates an electromagnetic field, and it still generates electricity. Magnetic fields are everywhere in the universe, even in "empty" intergalactic space. A magnetic field can not exist without electricity. In such a magnetic field creates a particle beam, a wide range of radiation (radio waves, light, microwaves, X-rays, gamma and synchrotron radiation). It is all there in the universe. Current creates a unique cell plasma regions with similar characteristics, for example, the magnetosphere and the interplanetary environment. Thus, the plasma is very organized. And that is its main feature. Plasma typically takes the form of neutral gas (ionized gas) that appears somewhere as gas clouds or charged ion beams (Ethiopia recently as above), but may also include dust and particles, and it is called "dusty plasma". "The electric notions, charged particles are not limited to standard gas kinetics. In fact, we often see plasma of charged particles accelerated to near the speed of light, "explains Talbot and Thornhill.
The visible part of the universe consists almost entirely of electrically active plasma and it is this that creates the stars, galaxies, planets, comets ...

 Electric current in the plasma.

Plasma was first made in the laboratory in a tube for electrical discharge (Kruksovoj tube), and so described by Sir William Crookes has 1879th It is this condition called "Radiant" substances. The term "plasma" was first used by Nobel laureate Irving Langmuir 1928th to describe the behavior of space that seems to be alive, as in the presence of electric currents and magnetic fields, it shows features samoorganizujućeg field that is in the form of ionized gas is concentrated in the form of clouds or high pillars as above Ethiopia.

Plasma has three phenomenal states and three different modes of operation (modes)

First DARK CURRENT MODE: This is the strength of the electrical current (flow of charged particles) through a very small plasma and plasma is off. In this mode, it is essentially invisible, and we would not even know it is a plasma, if not to measure its electrical activity of sensitive measuring instruments.
Magnetosphere planets of the solar system today are an example of how the plasma in dark current mode. Earth's ionosphere is an example of plasma does not emit visible light.

Second LIGHT NORMAL MODE: This is the strength of electric current (flow of charged particles) and whole plasma remarkable in that region of the world. Light level depends on the strength of current in the plasma. Examples of such work are solar corona plasma, the advent of fluorescent light and visible galactic nebulae (nebula), which creates a "dusty plasma".

The plasma is formed or electricity. The sun's corona shows that the heat of the sun in it more than in the core.

3rd Luční MODE: electric current in the plasma is very strong here. Plasma glow emits a broad spectrum, and electricity power tends towards the formation of fibers. Examples of this mode as lightning, the solar photosphere, and the electric arc welding machines.

 Right, Birkeland currents constantly erupting from the sun.

In all three modes of plasma emit measurable electromagnetic radiation (radio frequency noise). At any time, current density (Amps per square meter) exists in plasma and determines which mode it operational. Atomic structure of the gas becomes plasma jonizivana form is decisive for this. Plasma react very strongly against the electromagnetic force and the dominant force in many cosmic plasmas - the stellar surface, active galactic nuclei, active between planets and stars between and among galaxies. So all of this cosmic creation linked - through their plasma and power that all those provode.I human body is in the circuit at a precisely defined current balance. Each cell (each molecule) in our body because vibrating and the vibration disturbance and their relationship is a disease.

One of the pioneers of this theory, Christian Birkeland, so more 1903rd noted that the aurora (northern lights you sometimes see on Earth) of electricity exchange between the Earth and the Sun.
Birkeland found the path of electric current that is curled like a corkscrew for bottles. Sometimes these twisted forms are sometimes not visible. It depends on the current strength, ie. density of charged particles carried by the plasma. Today these streams of electrons and ions are called Birkeland currents.

It is believed that many of the ancient stories of mysterious phenomena of ghosts and fairies, the myths have grown examples Birkelandovih currents in the upper layers of Earth's atmosphere.
The ancient story says that the Emperor Constantine and seventeen centuries ago in the sky showed cross. We can only speculate as to whether this was a fabrication of current lighting units randomly in the form of a cross, also known to his ancient Egyptians (ANC) that are with him uspostaljali relationship with the heavens.

Today, the entire country under artificial light reflection in thousands of cities around the world, including the effects of the current night sky and not see with the naked eye.

But the entire twentieth century is slaved traditional dogma in astronomy which was based on some already set and generally accepted postulates, which was approved by the Catholic Church, and by imposing American research led by NASA and scientists are so focused forward thinking in a certain direction , even without taking into account the propagation of electric power through space.

Only when artificial satellites, in the second half of the 20th Century got into a growing number of Earth's orbit, discovered the existence of flows of charged particles coming from the sun and went into the upper layers of Earth's atmosphere (the ionosphere) making auroras.
Until then it was believed that the Earth's magnetosphere as an impenetrable layer that protects the Earth from the Sun's wind attack (particulate matter), and produces the effect of aurora. However, the Earth's atmosphere is somewhat "leaky". Almost every second somewhere on Earth lightning flashed. It is the impact of cosmic currents affect the weather and climate change. Constant electrical activity in the Earth's interaction with the universe we do not notice, and we believe that many of the phenomena we are used to (lightning, hurricanes, floods, El Nino currents, earthquakes) the consequences of certain changes in atmospheric pressure created by heated air from below or tectonic shifts due to rotation Earth and the movement of tectonic plates. Electric Universe theorists, however, argue that these are all the consequences of electrical discharges that occur in the upper atmosphere, "leakage" of the earth insulator (atmosphere) as a result of electrical interactions of planetary plasma.

The question for some is whether the Earth really turn? But, on this second occasion.

Insulators are invisible boundary between the plasma and the plasma separated all the "double layer". And that's one of the most important characteristics of any electrical plasma - its property to self organize, which means that one region electrically isolated from each other.

"Double layer" structure in the plasma, which consists of two parallel layers with opposite electrical charge. So on one side of the plasma "double layer" (in an experimental laboratory setting to the side of the anode) has approximately the same voltage as the anode. Plasma at the cathode suštnski will have the same voltage as the cathode. Two halves of the plasma as an electrically isolated from each other. In astronomical standards double thickness of this layer is measured by thousands of kilometers. Double layer effectively separates the two plasmas of different properties (solar plasma, plasma Venus, the Earth's plasma ...) The charge on one side of the border there is no electrostatic repulsion of the particles on the other hand, the total electric current through the plasma is the same. The "double layer" is the strongest electric field.

Tabular display shows the measured charge-strong electric field and the corresponding sharp changes in voltage (electrical potential) across the double layer. Ions and electrons that enter the double layer are accelerated, reduce speed and bounce of the electric field.
If a foreign object is inserted into the plasma around it will immediately form a double layer and protect it from the main plasma. This effect is a problem that scientists would put sensitive to plasma probe to measure the electric potential at a particular location. This is a known characteristic of plasma.

It is almost impossible to send a spacecraft from Earth to measure the voltage of solar plasma at some point. Voltage is a measure of the relative (and velocity), and spacecraft to go into a field would have the same voltage as that of the Earth. In order to penetrate through the earth and into plazmosferu in the solar plasma would slowly accumulated charge which changed the voltage. Scientists are still theoretically developed several methods to perform this measurement, however.


The solar system is part of the solar plasma where the sea as a separate "floating" sun and the planets known to us with her for months. This area extends all the way to what is called Heliopausa - where the "double layer" that separates our solar system from the sun's plasma voltage plasma that fills backwater galaxy.

The sun occasionally throw ("spit") from its corona charged particles (coronal mass ejections - CME), which formed in the plasma current, which lights up and twists. When these particles reach the Earth's plasma (ionosphere), which is in dark mode, the particles they shine and we see auroras known - in his twisted form.

In the history of the solar system charge the plasma is changed. With this change coincided with the change in the electrical state of the planet, which is retreating and changes orbit. This could mean that the planets are not always found in what is now the schedule.

Some scholars of this change humorously portrayed as the gods are playing dice rolls. In this particular gambling planet (now Earth) derive a certain time better position than others. Today it is clear that due to the good position of the country has developed, again with the help of electricity, life as we know it. Unfortunately, this gambling occur in certain periods, and the question is how will the solar system look like in the next "gambling" and where to find Zemlja.Takođe then, it is not known what are the periods of time when it comes to this "gambling".

BURNS AND SCARS on the planet due to the effect CURRENTS

A close approximation of planets in these changes may lead to the formation of an electric arc between them and their moons (months). Today we zahvljujući powerful telescopes and satellite imagery can not see tremendously high ridges and craters on Mars, the Moon, Jupiter's satellite Io, and Saturn's Enceladus. And Venus has traces of electrical design, and there are on Earth. Biggest furrow Grand Canyon in the United States and a large crater. It has long been believed that the famous craters and channels meteor impacts or consequences of erosion due to melting ice caps. Previously, these channels even believed to have been dug Martians. But the electric universe theorists see the grooved surface of Mars as the scars from burns caused massive power electrical discharges. Talbott and Thornhill carefully analyzed photos of Mars canyon called Valles Marineris. Stones and rocks which are scattered across the entire landscape unaololo Mars are probably traces of large crumbling from the large excavations. Size grooves is impressive. Grand Canyon, Arizona (United States) would be only a small fraction of the Martian ridges.

  A large "meteor" crater in Arizona and the Grand Canyon. What force could this furrow? An electric current is able to secure.

Otherwise, one of the scientists in the United States continues the discussion as it really could be a process that made the Grand Canyon in Arizona. For where there is evidence disappeared from the canyon land. There is no river delta. Colorado River, which now flows through the canyon would have to flow upstream for it to be the creator of the canyon. There is also no evidence that the meteorite fell somewhere, who formed a "meteor crater" also in Arizona. One reason to believe that the crater dug electric action characteristic layering of materials destroyed after the event. Rotating arc that caused the crater looked just penetrating through the surface layers of soil depth. Different layers of material is scattered over a wide territory of. Even theorists meteor strikes confirmed that these deposits thrown arranged in the order opposite to the order in which they were in the reservoir rock. It is interesting to ignore the existence of more sinuous grooves in nearby destination crater, for which no explanation is given. Most striking, however, is quite visible fulgurit, the track remains in the sand after a lightning strike. He is in a "meteoric" crankcase, but never mentioned in the standard literature on the origin of this crater.
Is it the most acceptable solution to this canyon and the crater created by the effect of arc?


All storms coming from space

The country is electrified body moving in a plasma. We live in balance with the Earth's electrical field and therefore do not notice it. Many electrical sparks which country produces go unnoticed because we live with them for so long that we think we know all about their birth. And many meteorological phenomena are driven by electricity and due to the continuous adjustment of the electric field that surrounds the Earth from the Sun's electric field. Several dramatic electrical discharges on Earth that took place recently showed traces of which are very similar (but smaller scale) to what can be seen on the surface of Mars. For example, in Florida the 1949th , in Baker, lightning struck the ground during a baseball game, killing 3 players and another 50 people injured. Furrow field was 128 feet long. Electric universe theory so far provides the most acceptable solution to the "mysterious" and terrifying dust storms that occasionally occur on Mars, scientists are confusing. In fact, when in 1971. artificial satellite "Mariner 9" allegedly came into the orbit of Mars scientists were able to see the entire surface of the planet is raging sandstorm such that only the top of a huge mountain of Olympus Mons complex, peeped through the clouds that fully cover the planet, and remind Talbot Thornhill.

This was decades for scientists enigmatic. How can the density of the atmosphere, which has only 1 percent of the Earth's density to raise such an amount of dust from the ground up to a height of 64 kilometers?

At the end of June 2001. through the Hubble Space Telescope (located in the Earth's orbit) observed the first signs of the formation of dust storms in a small region of "Hellas Basin" on Mars. A few days ago the storm intensified and waned. Then there was a powerful explosion and stormy pešačana masses are stirred up from the Hellas Basin to the north and east. Within a few weeks the entire planet was shrouded in dust storm that has not calmed until October. For scientists, it remained a mystery what the winds on Mars gave such a speed that they move through an area that is almost like a vacuum at a speed of 400 kilometers per hour.

Artificial satellite "Global Surveyor" (apparently he was in Mars orbit) using the thermal emission spectrometer measured the thermal effects that went with the storm. Thus, it was discovered that when the dust clouds began to surround the entire planet, the temperature has risen by as much as 40 degrees Celsius. It is considered the "current global warming" and this phenomenon greatly confuses meteorologists.

 Hellas Basin landscape before and during the storm.

Talbott and Thornhill said the phenomenon was present here the power of movement between planets.
The aforementioned storm on Mars 2,001th occurred not only when Mars was closest to the sun (scientists already know that Mars was then a storm event), but he was closest to Earth (every 12 years).
At the time, his plasma was irritated so-called "cover" earth plasmas or magnetosphere, which have established a temporary electrical connection between Earth and Mars for charge transfer. It seems that Mars is then reacted outburst of lightning with the electric currents in the ionosphere of Mars at high speed wind lifted the upper Martian atmosphere.

Thus, the driving force of the storm on Mars ran out of space. The same happens on earth during storms, these theorists claim.

Pure power on Earth at sea level is about 100 volts per meter. In the standard meteorology considered to be the electrical power that burdens the ionosphere storm and come up with an electrical discharge (lightning). But the concept of an electric universe things are reversed in terms of cause and effect. That there is no electric field of the Earth, there would be a storm. By this analogy, since there is no atmosphere on Mars to burden the ionosphere, it could not be a storm. But he obviously has. On Mars, electrical effects will be achieved directly from the ionosphere to the surface whereas no relief in the form of voltage in the formation of clouds and lightning that we see on Earth.

So, all weather, and climate changes on Earth are only a consequence of changes in the electric universe. And it is a phenomenon which occurs in certain time periods. So today is the claim of the upcoming climate change on Earth that are supposedly result of industrial pollution and excessive human population - ordinary deception. The truth is that global warming or be icing, but it will be solely due to the Earth's electrical activity from the plasma universe.

It is obvious that the present global oligarchy knows it and wants to do all this in a way that benefits, putting under control the development of industry and technology around the globe, all under the pretext of protecting the planet from climate change. Actual protection does not really exist.

Earth's ionosphere in the insulator that can "leak" and then come to the surface and ball lightning .. lightning current within the country as a condenser.

"In contrast to the radiant energy from the sun, electricity can be accumulated in a" planetary capacitor "for some time, with the potential for reinventing planetanim event when the atmosphere is finally" collapsed "and begins a massive discharge" claim in one place Talbot and Thornhill.

What is the "planetary capacitor"? Can you manage it so that the man should be the one who will thus electricity from space to collect, and then discharged at will and use it?

Q. Is not that Nikola Tesla planned to work with its tower and its Vordenklif reel? How can today reveal more details of his experiments with lightning, just come to the fact that he collected electricity in lightning, thunder and implemented in the country as a capacitor. It is this practical demonstration 80 years ago. The amount of energy that has accumulated so it was scary. When at one point fired at "a thin stream" to the North Pole, to his friend Admiral Robert Piri, who was in the media a very traceable expedition in Greenland, showed the power of wireless energy transfer, it is believed that the error was a fierce electric pražnjnja over Siberia and what was going through the Earth. This effect was noted as a mysterious and terrifying Tunguska explosion (1908). Course, he never revealed what has caused this massive explosion, no crater was found, as well as the remains of a meteor. Today, more and more s name is associated with this event, with the undeniably been a huge release of energy with tremendous flash of light.

     Tesla knew how to use a specially designed receiver gather electricity from the ionosphere (the Earth's plasma which was then called the ether) and use it as fuel for the car. Tesla's car on the cosmic energy in 1930. was successfully carried out an experiment, which is testified by his nephew Savo Kosanovic that with him, allegedly drove.
  Tesla's tower Vordenklif on Long Island.

"Tesla has previously studied the condition of charged particles in the ionosphere with supercharged whirl. Power that is manifested in the vicinity of such ethereal vortex structure was enormous, and the etheric weight maintained remarkable stability. In such a construction set lattice to create electrical power. With some metal bars inside the atomic-energy field, which would then be created, it was immensely. I should just pick up the energy, "Gary Vasilatos bills in his book," Secrets of Cold War Technology - Project HAARP and Beyond ".
And Tesla is managed. His thinking is based on the recognition that just as electricity is all around us and it is easily understood by looking at how lightning rip through the sky. Where did they come? Undoubtedly the universe. Catching the cosmic energy and its practical utilization was his work. However, the desire for profit, then (and now) the leading capitalists led the entire race astray by making us dependent on dirty energy sources like oil and coal.

I leave it to you readers to imagine what it would have looked the streets, what kind of cars to move them, what the aircraft was in the air and what our lives would be a whole science to go towards taming inexhaustible cosmic energy - completely free of charge and for all.
Is that the reason that these sabotaging his experiments and discoveries cover up? Is that the reason that even after so many years of scientific research and its electrical nature of the universe ignored?

Pumping electricity into the ground can produce earthquakes and volcanoes. Both are accompanied or preceded by an electric glow that is manifested in atmospheric radio frequency interference. Volcanoes are often accompanied by copious amounts of light.


Electric universe theory says that the intersection of galactic power fiber parts in dusty plasmas create stars. Electricity continues to power the star power in the form of glow that it emits, which also refers to the Sun. That the stars have an external power source is concluded as the temperature rises the Sun above the photosphere, the corona to reach the 2 million degrees. Thus, the energy of the sun does not come out of his core as it is believed so far. "A powerful feedback loop maintains the plasma discharge visible solar radiation while a steady change in the effective energy input showed the familiar sunspot," explains Talbot and Thornhill. All the stars possess weak electric field outside the corona.
As the charged particles from the solar wind away from the Sun, they are accelerated due to the solar electric field. Size star and its colors are electric and some may change unexpectedly. Supernovae are the new stars of explosive responses effect electrical waves in their field, galactic galactic plasma.

When confronted planetary "tails"

Each planet has about yourself and a special layer in the plasma sheath-like and it is also well-known electrical phenomenon. Size and shape are determined by the difference between the electric potential (voltage) solar planets and the surrounding plasma. "Cover the planet" has a teardrop shape, which at one end has a "tail" points away from the Sun. Frontiers "scabbard" is mentioned a "double layer" and it separates the plasma from the sun's planets plasma. I "cover" the planets are interactive, especially when the planets are found close to each other.

Planetary "cover" Venus are extremely long, almost touching the earth. Jupiter's "cover" the same interactive relationship with Saturn. These planetary "tails" are now all in the dark mode, and the "cover". But, is it always like this? There are ancient notes that sometimes people watched Venus has a "fiery" tail flame "hair in curlers." Is plasma then was part of the planet in shining mode or even an electric arc formed? In Immanuel Velikovsky's famous work "Collision of Worlds" from 1950. described as a close contact of Venus and Earth produced great cataclysm described in the Bible as the Great Flood. In the case of a collision, "tails" of the two planets, which is quite possible, the consequences would certainly be cataclysmic for both planets. Electrical discharges on Jupiter and Saturn Hubble telescope recorded the obvious.


Finally, the theory of the electric universe so far najupačatljivije defines the appearance of the comet. Thornhill and Talbot are seen as negatively electrified body moving through a curved orbits ekliptičnim electric field of the Sun (the most positive electrically charged object in the solar system). Most visible comets spend most of their time in the outer regions of the solar system where they reach a very negative charge. Rushing toward the sun, moving towards a more positive environment so nelektrisanom comet nucleus more ELEKTRIS and electrical discharge occurs. This creates an electric arc that produces jets of dust and ions, and we see (if the opportunity arises for a living) bright head and tail of a comet.

 And the core of a comet craters.

Theory that comets are just "dirty ice blocks" that were formed from gas Delek icy premises universe, then how do they approach the sun, and some ice evaporates to form a gas of the lighting head with long tail, there are too many flaws. The recent reports of comets just navaden contest. The biggest surprise was started 1986th with the discovery of negatively charged ions in the tail of Comet Halley, which means that there is no electrical activity. This comet was ablaze, and while she was in a "deep freeze" space beyond the orbit of Saturn.

Also, there is no evidence of water or on a comet.

Today we know that comets are rock solid with a dry surface that has craters and scars resulting from actions likely arc. Due to the strong electrifying comets can pick up a certain amount of hydrogen from the sun, which can be greater than the mass comet nucleus. It is known today that comets emit X-rays as well as heat to reach as high as 2 million degrees Celsius. Since the core of the action erodiranost an electric power port, they would not survive for billions of years, as was previously believed to be old. Talbott and Thornhill claim that many comets formed in some catastrophic interplanetary events of just a few thousand years.

On the latest recordings of Saturn's rings are clearly observed as dark shapes of teeth lightening. It is the characteristics of the electric universe theorists say that the action in question electricity. Other scholars interpret this as a microscopic fibers that are posotala naelektrisna and so float flush with the rings. It is known that in certain segnemtu been twisting and twisting rings. If the rings are twisted, is not that a sign Birkelandovih currents formed?
Most interestingly, though, the question of why the scientific community for decades ignored PHENOMEMAN power in the universe, although it was known for? Is a great authority does not correspond to let people know the truth about the processes in the universe, including the origin of life on Earth? Does the present generation of scientists deliberately targeted on the interpretation of a difficult to understand the universe as it places certain Houking Stephen, for 40 years, completely paralyzed man who, because of this, it is logical and can not be with anyone that there is a scientific debate. Just like them, or Einstein has never led them skillfully avoided hiding behind those who made him the publicity and the "scientific" name. Is the "genius" Stephen Houking only fictional character on purpose in order to millions of people the world deceiving and to impose intellectual primemčivost to accept everything they are served as a "scientific theory" and it comes with the "developed" West? To me it seems like a joke behind that heavy, probably, that brains are Jesuit and otherwise control the work of NASA. Houking paralyzed in a plane to simulate weightlessness. And where they serve such a performance? American Institute of Physics has just recently announced that it will accept the theory of Electric Universe as the field of scientific research. That, unfortunately, seems to at least 80 years too late. Nikola Tesla's experiments covered up the best proof that someone on this planet prefer "science" that is based on false grounds. The truth is reserved only for a narrow circle of "enlightened".

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